Shriansh Sales Corporation is one of the very few fossil fuel companies that are top quality conscious and thus, deliver only standard quality items complying to international standards. Our excellent purchasing process and persistence for meet our consumers’ objectives by making finest items is responsible for our remarkable growth in the last few years.Our quality coal products have been highly valued by the customers for its little ash content, great carbon material and user specified calorific value.
Our professionals follow tight quality requirements and carry out cautious examining of the items on various factors prior to the final distributing process. Our purchasing agents and top quality elevators perform cautious analysis of the suppliers and the items and also their stability and authenticity; thereby guaranteeing the best product gets to our customers. We also have a well-equipped lab with all modern features with up-to-date technology for carrying out fossil fuel examining so as to provide best to our customers and stand by our only purpose of customer care.
We are involved in offering our clients with an incredible spectrum of Coal. All our offered products are sourced from vendors of high repute with the aid of sourcing agents after scouring the market. These vendors use ultramodern technology for extracting coal from mines.
- We are in leading position for coal supply in India.
- We are in proximity and access to large reserves of high quality coal mines.
- We have an extensive marketing and distribution network.
- We have a huge experience and technical know-how.